by Vivian Park
If you’re near Orange County California, be sure to check out the “Land Sea Air” exhibition at Huntington Beach Art Center. It includes three site-responsive installations by artists Robert Wysocki (land), Peter Segerstrom (sea) and the contemporary art and technology class at Cypress College (air).
Representing the air portion of the exhibition, an inflatable sculpture “Prana” continuously monitors and visualizes current air-quality data at Huntington Beach.

Source: OC Art
Also showing is a sand installation by Robert Wysocki and a proximity-based sound piece by Peter Segerstrom. “Land Sea Air” is on view until September 6, 2009.
If you’re near Orange County California, be sure to check out the “Land Sea Air” exhibition at Huntington Beach Art Center. It includes three site-responsive installations by artists Robert Wysocki (land), Peter Segerstrom (sea) and the contemporary art and technology class at Cypress College (air).
Representing the air portion of the exhibition, an inflatable sculpture “Prana” continuously monitors and visualizes current air-quality data at Huntington Beach.

Source: OC Art
Also showing is a sand installation by Robert Wysocki and a proximity-based sound piece by Peter Segerstrom. “Land Sea Air” is on view until September 6, 2009.