by Andrew Wade

Over the spring and summer months, polis will be participating in the mammoth-organized group reading of The Infrastructural City: Networked Ecologies in Los Angeles, edited by Kazys Varnelis. This experiment in the collective discussion of a text will be all the more invigorating as new people join the conversation, so we encourage our readers to join us and add new perspectives. The discussion of chapter one will not begin until Monday, April 26, so please find a copy in the next few weeks and follow along. Details of content and proposed reading schedule may be found here. We hope you join us!
Credits: Image of Terminal Island from Lane Barden.

Over the spring and summer months, polis will be participating in the mammoth-organized group reading of The Infrastructural City: Networked Ecologies in Los Angeles, edited by Kazys Varnelis. This experiment in the collective discussion of a text will be all the more invigorating as new people join the conversation, so we encourage our readers to join us and add new perspectives. The discussion of chapter one will not begin until Monday, April 26, so please find a copy in the next few weeks and follow along. Details of content and proposed reading schedule may be found here. We hope you join us!
Credits: Image of Terminal Island from Lane Barden.