by Vivien Park

TurmKunst (Art Monument) 2010 is a large-scale collaborative public art project curated by Christoph Tornow, Daniel Grau, and Benjamin Link. World renowned street artists Flying Förtress, Honet, Sozyone, and Craig KR Costello each took turns adding their signature touch to a landmark tower in the center of Berlin. The tower, known as Bierpinsel (Beer Brush), was built in the mid 70s and once house several panoramic restaurants. In addition to the 6 weeks it took to complete the project, the artist also spent time much planning what to paint and how to work with each other. Here is a glimpse of some of the thought process that went into the preparation:
Credits: Image of Bierpinsel tower from WeBringJustice. Video of TK#2 Prep Work from Vicious Gallery's Vimeo Channel.