by Katia Savchuk

What does the just metropolis look like? This is a critical question in our increasingly urban world and one complicated by today’s interrelated global crises. In our second group series, the polis team brings you our take on urban equity.

We were inspired by “Toward A Just Metropolis: From Crisis to Possibilities,” a conference that our very own Alex Schafran is helping to organize at UC Berkeley from June 16 to 20. The first joint conference of five, well-known planning organizations, it will bring together progressive urban leaders from across the country to discuss how economic and environmental crises can be opportunities for making cities more equitable. The event will involve over 300 on-site sessions and participatory “mobile workshops” held in cooperation with local advocates in the East Bay to increase community access. It will end with an “adventure wandering game” that will take participants on a journey across diverse urban zones.
The question of justice in the 21st Century is increasingly a metropolitan one. We welcome you to join the conversation.
Credits: Images from Just Metropolis.

What does the just metropolis look like? This is a critical question in our increasingly urban world and one complicated by today’s interrelated global crises. In our second group series, the polis team brings you our take on urban equity.

We were inspired by “Toward A Just Metropolis: From Crisis to Possibilities,” a conference that our very own Alex Schafran is helping to organize at UC Berkeley from June 16 to 20. The first joint conference of five, well-known planning organizations, it will bring together progressive urban leaders from across the country to discuss how economic and environmental crises can be opportunities for making cities more equitable. The event will involve over 300 on-site sessions and participatory “mobile workshops” held in cooperation with local advocates in the East Bay to increase community access. It will end with an “adventure wandering game” that will take participants on a journey across diverse urban zones.
The question of justice in the 21st Century is increasingly a metropolitan one. We welcome you to join the conversation.
Credits: Images from Just Metropolis.