by Min Li Chan
This week, the Web offered up exquisite visualizations of weather and climate in cities, for those of us snooping from afar in our "technoverses." Two gems that came my way, thanks to a few friends, were:
Edlundart's Weather Wheel

A few words from the visual artist:

A peek at "weather" on Google Insights for Search today revealed that the top regional searches for weather in the last seven days included the U.K., New Zealand, Canada and Ireland.
Credits: Screenshots from Edluandart and NSKYC.
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This week, the Web offered up exquisite visualizations of weather and climate in cities, for those of us snooping from afar in our "technoverses." Two gems that came my way, thanks to a few friends, were:
Edlundart's Weather Wheel

A few words from the visual artist:
"Some interesting things you might notice: Chicago is indeed a "Windy City," but not to any extraordinary degree. In fact, Boston is windier. San Francisco is all the way towards the right, because on average it never reaches higher temperatures than the Scandinavian cities at their hottest. London is not very rainy, while Tokyo gets more than a fair share. Nowhere gets rainier than Lagos.
The Weather Wheel is based on widely available weather data, but does not display the actual numbers. Things like millimeter precipitation readings are not very meaningful to most people, so thinking of and showing these metrics in a relative way instead seemed like a clean and elegant approach."Mike Bodge's NSKYC, visualizing the average color of the sky in New York:

A peek at "weather" on Google Insights for Search today revealed that the top regional searches for weather in the last seven days included the U.K., New Zealand, Canada and Ireland.
Credits: Screenshots from Edluandart and NSKYC.
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