"If the city is both the producer of citizenship and the generator of innovation, it is therefore the soil in which democracy lives, progresses and responds to new challenges. Without the city, the place that maximizes exchanges between people, democracy loses its strength to create potential futures and promote current actions. The city is the past, present and future of democracy. Without a vision and constant activity to construct the city that is built up and torn down every day, we accept the slow, steady degradation of democracy."
Jordi Borja, from "Democracy in Search of the Future City" in Cities for All: Proposals and Experiences Towards the Right to the City, Habitat International Coalition, 2010
This is part of a collection of quotes related to cities. They don't necessarily reflect our views, just topics of interest. We welcome you to add others.
Credits: Photos of 15 October Global Day of Action in Palma de Mallorca by Melissa García Lamarca.
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