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K.C. Sivaramakrishnan on Urban Renewal in India

"Last Tree(tment) of Gurgaon." Source: Pastalane™

"'India lives in its villages,' a saying attributed to Mahatma Gandhi, has long characterized the Indian mindset. That India also lives in its cities and towns and is as much a part of its economic and political reality, came to be recognized only two or three decades after Independence. But recognition is only an initial step. In India, urban growth and management have been rarely at the centre of development planning.

"There is also a cycle of development in India which shows that planning and availability of resources are often in an inverse relationship. When there is little money, planning is pursued, policy pronouncements are made, and legal and other prescriptions are formulated. But when money is available, projects take priority and planning is forgotten."

K.C. Sivaramakrishnan, from "Re-visioning Indian Cities: The Urban Renewal Mission," 2011

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