by Katia Savchuk
In parts of Manhattan lucky enough to avoid flooding and power outages during Superstorm Sandy, things started getting back to normal Tuesday morning. Many businesses were open in the Hamilton Heights neighborhood in Upper Manhattan. Residents swept the streets, walked dogs and ventured out for a peek at the aftermath — or just to run errands.

Subway service may resume in four or five days, but it could be longer, Mayor Michael Bloomberg said at a press conference Tuesday morning. All subway tunnels that run under rivers were flooded, he said.

The New York Daily News published Sandy updates from a newsroom without power, but papers didn't make it to racks.

Buckets of concrete and thick chains helped keep a chair, shopping cart and metal rack from flying away in the storm.

Joggers and dog-walkers were out in full force at Riverbank State Park near the Hudson River, where there was no flooding.

Credits: Photos by Katia Savchuk.
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In parts of Manhattan lucky enough to avoid flooding and power outages during Superstorm Sandy, things started getting back to normal Tuesday morning. Many businesses were open in the Hamilton Heights neighborhood in Upper Manhattan. Residents swept the streets, walked dogs and ventured out for a peek at the aftermath — or just to run errands.
Subway service may resume in four or five days, but it could be longer, Mayor Michael Bloomberg said at a press conference Tuesday morning. All subway tunnels that run under rivers were flooded, he said.
The New York Daily News published Sandy updates from a newsroom without power, but papers didn't make it to racks.
Buckets of concrete and thick chains helped keep a chair, shopping cart and metal rack from flying away in the storm.
Joggers and dog-walkers were out in full force at Riverbank State Park near the Hudson River, where there was no flooding.
Credits: Photos by Katia Savchuk.
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